Virtually + In person HAES Care 

In person location now Open! Hiring a Massage Therapist.

January 28, 2022

  Moving right along in the series we are at the third principle in the Intuitive Eating journey which is Make Peace with Food. Yes, this means all food! Letting go of the binary thinking and labeling of foods being “good vs bad” or “healthy vs unhealthy.” Making all foods neutral and legal is the […]

January 19, 2022

What does dieting do to our hunger signals? When we diet, ignore and suppress our hunger signals our body responds by turning down the signals intensity or silences it. You are not allowed to honour your hunger. Rather we are encouraged to turn away due to external rules from diet culture. Many people are unaware […]

honour your hunger

December 29, 2021

This new year learn about Intuitive Eating I wanted to invite people this upcoming new years an alternative to the “new year new you” or a new diet/wellness option. Diet culture is so loud. So instead of that option I am proposing you to learn about intuitive eating and choose to improve your relationship with […]

Discover the satisfaction factor

November 5, 2021

This week on my podcast Diet Culture Dropout I begin to define what diet culture is. Check out the full episode here. Where do I begin!?  Diet culture is really loud, toxic and has seeped into all facets of our lives. We daily have reminders from diet culture telling us we are not good enough […]

BASED IN Kawartha Lakes, Ontario 
AVAILABLE Across Canada

I pay respect to and acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land I reside on. I deeply thank Elders past, present and emerging.

Connection  - Compassion  - Collaboration 

 Charlotte O Photography  |  


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