What does dieting do to our hunger signals?
When we diet, ignore and suppress our hunger signals our body responds by turning down the signals intensity or silences it. You are not allowed to honour your hunger. Rather we are encouraged to turn away due to external rules from diet culture. Many people are unaware of their hunger signals until they are hangry, shaking, or have gut wrenching hunger. We call this primal hunger when you can no longer be patient and need fuel ASAP. When we are in this state it is really hard to make an intuitive decision about food.
Principle #2 Honour Your Hunger
Up next in the Intuitive Eating serries is principle #2 Honour Your Hunger. I am joined with an experienced colleague Suzanne Dietrich. She is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor from Waterloo Ontario.
Listen to the full episode here.
Honouring your hunger teaches people to connect back to their hunger and explore the ways their body tells them they are hungry. Instead of fearing hunger and “filling it” with non-sustaining substances we need to honour and respect our body’s signals. Much like we do when we need to sleep, urinate, or stretch. The problem with hunger and diet culture is that we judge, question and criticize it.
Tune in to hear Suzanne and I explain:
– How we define hunger
– Discuss the impacts chronic dieting and disordered eating have on people’s hunger signals
– Explore how diet culture wants us to perceive hunger
– Talk about how self-care is a major component to hunger
– Review some steps one can take to work on connecting back to their hunger signals
As always if you would like a question answered on a future episode send a DM to my podcast Instagram account at @dietculturedropoutpodcast
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