Work with  Me


Workshops and events

Online course 


What  you  need  to  know

Trauma-informed provider

Body and weight inclusive

Health at Every Size® provider

At Peacefully Nourished I aim to provide progressive, unstigmatized and compassionate care. I provide a space for individuals to be heard, valued and deeply respected.
These are my frameworks and guiding values to care:

Fat positive

Non-diet health approach 

Anti-oppressive practice

Individual Nutrition Counselling

Do you find yourself thinking about what you should eat instead of what you want to eat? Does the scale dictate your mood for the day? Have you spent years trying to “fix” your eating habits and body but find nothing seems to work?

You are not alone! What if I told you that your body is NOT the problem? And that you can eat what you want and feel good in your here-and-now body?

This program is made for brave individuals to help guide you to food freedom and body liberation. It's time for you to explore and improve your relationship with food and your body.

intuitive eating & body image

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perfect  for people  who...

Have dysfunctional relationships with food and their bodies.

Don't trust themselves around food because it feels like you will lose control and won't be able to stop eating.

Feel ashamed of their bodies, blaming themselves for getting to this point and feeling the need to hide it.

Have a history of yo-yo dieting, disordered eating, weight fluctuations or an eating disorder.

Body positive Parenting:  

Let's raise the next generation to be free of dieting and body shame. Let's deliberately foster kids who have body trust and resilience in today's body-obsessed world. Act now to help them develop a long-term positive relationship with food. 

Get support and guidance along with community from other parents on the same mission. All while you learn at home in your comfies!

AN online supportive course

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a  how-to course

Pediatric Family Counselling

Are meal times more like battles? Do you have questions about what and how to feed your child? Unsure how to manage sugar or processed foods? Want to take an intuitive-eating approach with your kids? Wondering how you can positively influence body image? How about starting at the beginning with a baby-led feeding approach?

Let me help simplify and strategize your struggles and work alongside you to develop a sustainable family feeding practice. As a mom of two, I get it! I use a family-centred approach to help you raise body-positive intuitive eaters. 

raise competent intuitive eaters

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perfect  for  the  parent(s) who...

Need more confidence in managing meal times, food refusals, 'treats' and ensuring your kids getting adequate nutrition.

Want to prevent their kids from dieting, having unhealthy restrictions and distorted body image.

Want to enjoy meals again (serving foods you actually like) as a whole family with no battles.

Are ready to work on eating competency, one of the most important skills we can teach our kids, so when they leave the nest they are ready to nourish themselves independently.

Workshops & Events

Interested in a collaboration or hosting a workshop?
I would be so honoured to connect and work together.
I provide engaging, interactive and fun presentations.

speaking engagements

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