Virtually + In person HAES Care 

In person care coming soon to Lindsay, ON. Opening Fall 2024.

Nutrition + Health Management

Harness the power of food

Expand your health, prevent chronic disease and thrive alongside your chronic condition. 

We are here to help make nutrition less stressful + restrictive and         SATISFYING!

Are you searching for honest, unbiased healthcare from a Registered Dietitian who will support you and deeply listen to you?

Are you exhausted from receiving weight-centric healthcare from a medical professional who equates health to weight? 

Do you want to improve your health (mental, physical, and emotional) but fear going back into patterns of dieting and restriction?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with conflicting nutrition recommendations from family, friends or Dr. Google? Which leaves you unsure where to start?

Have you been searching for medical nutrition therapy and nutrition counseling rooted in the Intuitive Eating paradigm, Health At Every Size®, and Weight Inclusive Care?

(without  dieting)


Nourishing yourself with food can be simple. It's about finding what’s right for your body, schedule and getting back to the basics. To build up your confidence and resilience to stressors.

It starts with understanding your personal behaviour and motivations.

We all generally have a solid understanding of what to eat (your nutrition knowledge). The gap generally exists for most people within the why and how parts of eating. Additionally, a third variable called diet culture is rampant in our society. Which clouds, confuses and builds a layer of mistrust within our body.

Then once we navigate a new condition, disease or diagnosis it is very easy to turn to an all or nothing approach to movement and eating. For most, this approach is unsustainable, tasteless and drenched in self-blame. Which often leads to weight cycling, feeling left out of social food fun, binge eating and inaction as there is so much conflicting information.

But what if there was another way? One that encompasses a wide definition of health and uses an additive approach towards food. 


if we are wanting to expand our health than the topic of weight or weight loss has              to do with that conversation.



Elevated Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Celiac Disease
Fatty Liver Disease
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Pre and Postnatal Nutrition
Meal Planning
Neurodivergence and Nourishment
Navigating Food + Eating with Mental Health Challenges
General Nutrition Support

Nutrition Counselling Packages

This package provides the environment for your story to be heard, validated and a plan to be crafted based on your unique needs. It provides you with a 2 month window to apply some strategies, focus on small behaviour change and build knowledge of how nutrition can best support you. 


Most health insurances cover a Registered Dietitian so be sure to check your coverage.
These services are also a tax deduction.

Let's Get Started

Make an Impact

  • 1 x 60-75 minute Comprehensive Initial Assessment 
  • 2 x 50 minute Follow Up sessions
  • Collaboration with your health care team
  • Between session communication
  • Digital resources, recipes and education tools
  • Session summaries and homework prompts
  • Support from an experienced Registered Dietitian + Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

What is included:

$557 or $280 a month

Please note, other packages and a la carte (per appointment) are available as well. 

Additional Add- Ons

In person Grocery Store Tour in Lindsay

Meal Prep Workshop

Downloadable digital resources 

Are you ready to elevate your health? This thorough package is designed for those looking for long term health change. It allows for consistent follow up to focus on all aspects of nutrition and health in digestive disorders, food relationship, women's health, and more!


Let's Get Started

Elevate Your Health

  • 1 x 60-75 minute Comprehensive Initial Assessment 
  • 4 x 50 minute Follow Up sessions
  • Collaboration with your health care team
  • Between session communication
  • Digital resources, recipes and education tools
  • Session summaries and homework prompts
  • Support from an experienced Registered Dietitian + Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

What is included:

$903 or $280 a month

Our dietitians will create a customized plan for you based on a thorough assessment of your health behaviours and goals.

From there, we will develop our short term and long term goals, and create a road-map on exactly how we will get there.

Eating looks different for everyone

Do you have insurance coverage?

How  do  I  get   started?

Book a Free Discovery Call

Book your first appointment 

 Got further questions and want to see if we are a good fit?

Are you ready to book your Initial Assessment now?

I work alongside my clients and focus on aspects that are health enhancing, sustainable and evidence-based. Your body size does not directly correlate to your health status. I do not believe in pathologizing weight and/or body size. All bodies deserve dignity, validation and to be cared for respectfully. It is well documented that people living in higher weights experience weight stigma and anti-fat bias, which has a significant impact on eating patterns, well-being and mental health.

I practice under the principles of                                                         as defined by the Association for Size Diversity and Health.

Why should I work with a non-diet, body-inclusive and HAES® aligned dietitian?

Why don't you help people               

Research consistently shows that there is no sustainable permanent weight loss option. The more a person weight cycles and tries to control their body weight, the worse their health becomes (despite actual body weight). In fact, the biggest predictor of weight gain is dieting. Evidence shows that 95-98% of dieters regain the weight back and in most cases more within the next 3-5 years. Your health and your worth cannot be measured simply by a number on the scale. Our bodies are designed to survive and they tend to shift in the direction to do so. Three outcomes exist: a gain, a loss or no change. Your body will determine what it needs to do. 

Let's look at sustainable health enhancing behaviours not your gravitational pull to the earth.

Health at Every Size® (HAES®)

lose  weight ?

What  you  need  to  know

Trauma-informed providers

Body and weight inclusive

Health at Every Size® providers

At Peacefully Nourished we aim to provide progressive, unstigmatized and compassionate care. This is a space for individuals to be heard, valued and deeply respected.
The frameworks and guiding values to care are:


Non-diet health approach 

Anti-oppressive practice

Ready  to  make  a  shift?

let's do this.