Tune into this week’s podcast episode on Diet Culture Dropout as we explore the basics of trying to define body image. This is the first episode we are exclusively diving into this topic. Join my conversation I had with Katie McCrindle who is a Registered Social Worker, Body Liberation Counsellor, and Fat Activist.

In the episode we cover:
- How to start defining body image.
- Explore how your body image is shaped over time.
- How to manage bad body image moment from a mirror, reflections or picture.
- Briefly discuss what is at the core for many people – internalized fat phobia
- Katie shares her top 3 tips to work towards body liberation.
Connect with Katie on her website at or on Instagram @katiemccrindlecounselling
References mentioned in this episode: Fearing the Black Body The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings
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